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- /* Dice: 1> dcc -l0 -mD dpk.o tags.o 3DShape.c -o 3DShape
- **
- ** This demo uses the PenCircle() function to 'steal' circle coordinates
- ** and then uses them to create a 3D object. This type of trick is legal
- ** but must be used carefully.
- */
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <clib/colours_protos.h>
- BYTE *ProgName = "3D Shape Demo";
- BYTE *ProgAuthor = "Paul Manias";
- BYTE *ProgDate = "August 1998";
- BYTE *ProgCopyright = "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1998. Freely distributable.";
- BYTE *ProgShort = "Demonstration of pens being used to create dot-based shapes.";
- struct GScreen *Screen = NULL;
- struct JoyData *joydata = NULL;
- void Demo(void);
- WORD PixelNum = NULL;
- #define AMT_PIXELS 10000
- struct Entry3D {
- WORD XCoord;
- WORD YCoord;
- LONG Colour;
- LONG XCoord3D;
- LONG YCoord3D;
- LONG ZCoord3D;
- };
- struct PixelList3D {
- WORD AmtEntries;
- WORD EntrySize;
- struct Entry3D *Pixels;
- };
- struct PixelList3D PixelList = {
- NULL, sizeof(struct Entry3D), NULL
- };
- /***************************************************************************/
- void main(void) {
- if (Screen = Get(ID_SCREEN)) {
- Screen->Attrib |= SCR_DBLBUFFER;
- if (Init(Screen,NULL)) {
- if (joydata = Get(ID_JOYDATA)) {
- if (Init(joydata, NULL)) {
- if (PixelList.Pixels = AllocMemBlock(sizeof(struct Entry3D) * AMT_PIXELS, MEM_DATA)) {
- Display(Screen);
- Demo();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- FreeMemBlock(PixelList.Pixels);
- Free(Screen);
- Free(joydata);
- }
- /***************************************************************************/
- LIBFUNC void StealPen(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *Bitmap, mreg(__d1) WORD X, mreg(__d2) WORD Y)
- {
- if (PixelNum < AMT_PIXELS) {
- PixelList.Pixels[PixelNum].XCoord = X;
- PixelList.Pixels[PixelNum].YCoord = Y;
- PixelList.Pixels[PixelNum].XCoord3D = X<<8;
- PixelList.Pixels[PixelNum].YCoord3D = Y<<8;
- PixelList.Pixels[PixelNum].ZCoord3D = 1;
- PixelList.Pixels[PixelNum].Colour = FastRandom(Screen->Bitmap->AmtColours-1)+1;
- PixelNum++;
- }
- }
- void Demo(void)
- {
- WORD ZPos = 1<<8;
- WORD i;
- /* This part alters the pen functions so that we can steal the
- ** coordinates. Once PenCircle() has been called, we set the
- ** function pointers back to normal by calling SetPenShape()
- ** and SetRGBPen().
- */
- Screen->Bitmap->PenUCPixel = &StealPen;
- Screen->Bitmap->DrawPen = &StealPen;
- PenCircle(Screen->Bitmap, 0, 0, 30, FALSE);
- SetPenShape(Screen->Bitmap, PSP_PIXEL, 0);
- SetRGBPen(Screen->Bitmap, 0xffffff);
- PixelList.AmtEntries = PixelNum;
- do
- {
- Query(joydata);
- ZPos += joydata->YChange;
- ZPos += joydata->XChange;
- if (ZPos < 10) ZPos = 10; /* <-- This prevents division by 0 errors */
- if (ZPos > 2000) ZPos = 2000;
- Clear(Screen->Bitmap);
- for (i=0; i < PixelNum; i++) {
- PixelList.Pixels[i].XCoord = ((PixelList.Pixels[i].XCoord3D)/ZPos) + Screen->Width/2;
- PixelList.Pixels[i].YCoord = ((PixelList.Pixels[i].YCoord3D)/ZPos) + Screen->Height/2;
- }
- DrawPixelList(Screen->Bitmap,(struct PixelList *)&PixelList);
- for (i=0; i < PixelNum; i++) {
- PixelList.Pixels[i].XCoord = ((PixelList.Pixels[i].XCoord3D)/(ZPos/2)) + Screen->Width/2;
- PixelList.Pixels[i].YCoord = ((PixelList.Pixels[i].YCoord3D)/(ZPos/2)) + Screen->Height/2;
- }
- DrawPixelList(Screen->Bitmap,(struct PixelList *)&PixelList);
- for (i=0; i < PixelNum-1; i++) {
- PixelList.Pixels[i].XCoord = ((PixelList.Pixels[i].XCoord3D)/(ZPos*2)) + Screen->Width/2;
- PixelList.Pixels[i].YCoord = ((PixelList.Pixels[i].YCoord3D)/(ZPos*2)) + Screen->Height/2;
- PixelList.Pixels[i].Colour = PixelList.Pixels[i+1].Colour;
- }
- PixelList.Pixels[i].Colour = PixelList.Pixels[0].Colour;
- DrawPixelList(Screen->Bitmap,(struct PixelList *)&PixelList);
- SwapBuffers(Screen);
- WaitAVBL();
- } while (!(joydata->Buttons & JD_LMB));
- }